Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Techno-Geeks or Pipers?

For any of you who have been around the bands the past few years you may have noticed some changes happening.

Technology has steamrolled into the pipe band world and as an organization St. Andrew's has attempted to embrace this change.

All music that our pipe bands play is produced through computers. We utilize such tools as Bagpipe Writer and Drum Scriobh to create files we can email around the globe if necessary. This has made the task of keeping fly-in players up to date nearly simple.

It also allows Wes and myself to edit music and arrange parts in a very efficient way.

Last night I sat down with my laptop and wrote scores to half of the grade 3 music while the scores were played back to me. I could watch the music to see some rhythms I needed to see, and I could highlight bars and phrases to make sure I knew where the drum scores should be heading.

Then I took these scores to Graham Fidler who put them in Drum Scriobh then we saved it as a pdf. then emailed them to the entire corp. All in about two hours.

We also use web based communication for everything, news, practices, everything. It saves so much time.

I strongly recommend to any bands not utilizing this technology to look into it. Not everyone has to be able to use all aspects of the technology but if a few can it'll make life so much easier for your bands.

So here's to Wes getting a door on his cave! Technology is here to stay like it or lump it.


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