Just a short one today, I have to buy text books.
We were at the SASPB organizations AGM. The big meeting as we call it. I can remember back to the days when this meeting would span three nights and constant talking. However over the past few years, as we've developed our new systems, we've got her down to just over an hour and a half.
New executive was appointed. Welcome to Apryl Keenan, our new secretary, and Phil (he can walk?) Schneider, our new treasurer. They have big shoes to fill and i'm sure they'll do well.
The association also gave the executive a man date to purchase a new set of drums for the organization. I've been shopping around for a full set for awhile, and the process is almost complete. I'll fill you in once it's done.
All in all it's been a great opening meeting season. Some long time and valuable members have stepped back from the bands to pursue other interests. Dan Sloan, the greatest band manager to ever walk the earth, will venturing on a new path and we will miss him dearly. Not just the tremendous work he's done for the organization, but his fun loving spirit that permeates through the organization. Good luck Dan! We'll be in touch.
All these meetings got me thinking about practice...... and how much I can't wait to get to it. Wes and I still have two more meetings before we get our players together and give things a run, but i'm already chomping at the bit.
I know, I know patience is a virtue, but on the way home last night I felt bummed. We had a great meeting got lots of stuff taking care of, but i'm ready to play!
So after complaining to my girlfriend, my mother, my sister, and our dog. I finally went to sleep excited for the upcoming rehearsal time.
I woke up this morning a headed to school early. Red River is a ghost town wednesday morning so I get first choice of computers. I logged onto facebook and saw a fabulous status that shut me up and put this all in perspective.
Alan Ford (grade 2 piper) 's father.... Mr. Ford (the only name I know him by) underwent bypass surgery yesterday. Al's status that he's "exhausted, proud, and truly thankful that his dad's strength and determination held through.." really set a mark for me.
I know as a 24 year old pipe band guy I often find myself forgetting what's truly important in all this. I get wrapped up in the politics all over the world, and the results, etc. But every now and then something puts you back and makes you think about what's imporant to you.
So tonight in honour of Mr. Ford, i'm gonna take out my sticks and pad, sit at the dining room table, pour myself a glass of my best scotch (currently a 21 year old Macallan special reserve) and just play fun scores, I didn't write. I'm going to enjoy myself, because somebody up there gave me the chance.
I encourage everyone to take a moment drop Alan a note of encouragement, and most imporantly take a moment to play, or sit, or nap, or sip, or whatever it is you like to do that you never take time to do.
When you're finished thank your lucky stars.
Great blog babe!