Friday, September 18, 2009

Rumours To Rest

Howdy everybody,

One more post today, maybe i'll take tomorrow off.

As with all pipe band things i've learned rumours are rampant, and deadly if not addressed.

Rumour # 1: Not sure who this one is spread by but I'll address it and kill it now.

"We're collapsing the grade 3 band"

If you've read my other blogs, including today's post, you'd know that not only is the grade 3 band up and running but they're already making progress. It's a fun atmosphere making good music.

The loss of some former members is a loss for sure. New members, however, have filled the ranks and they'll do just fine. Like we said they would.

Rumour # 2: Again no clue on where this started

"The grade 2 band is broke"

The grade 2 band is not broke, we have money and we finance differently. Each member in our band is responsible for a larger portion of their travel cost than in other bands and thusly, our bank account is smaller

Rumour # 3: .... you get the idea

"We're getting new drums!"

This is true. The organization is in need of new drumming equipment and we will be making the switch to Pearl very shortly. This purchase will come from the General Bank Account that the Organization holds. It will not be funded by any bands seperate bank account.

Rumour # 4: ....

"If the grade 3 band collapses, their healthy bank account is liquidated to general"

See Rumour # 1. Plus the bands control their own travel accounts and I'm quite proud of the effort and control all members and former members of the grade 3 band have put into that account. Nuff said get over it!

So those are the big ones really moving around.

I suppose when you're relatively successful there's always someone trying to paint a bullseye on your back.

So spread the word, both bands are kickin and in my personal opinion better then ever. As soon as possible I'm hoping to explain how the financial system in our organization works so everyone knows both within the organization and outside. It's not a common system to other organizations in the area so perhaps it appears a bit mysterious. Never fear all will be brought to light.

Cheers everyone have a great weekend!


1 comment:

  1. Sean

    Thanks for setting the record straight on these rumours.

    The rumour mill is just that; There is no sense getting your dander up over it. One can never avoid rumours or stories that change as they pass from one person to another. The key to mitigating this is communication both within the organization and outside.

    Remember the Oscar Wilde quote "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about."

    A few members have left the Grade 3 band, either moving up to the Grade 2 band, taking some time off for school/business/personal reasons (i.e. home reno in my case), or just deciding they would be a better fit in another band at this point in their lives.

    All of us have worked hard to build the Grade 3 band, and (I believe that I can speak for our former members) that we wish for the continued health and success of the Grade 3 band and entire SASPB organization even though we are no longer part of it.

    Kirby McRae
    (former PM SASPB Grade 3 band 2004-2009)

    PS. You've set a blistering pace with this blog. You'll make a fine consultant some day, especially if you get paid by the word.
