How and Deee everybody!
Been a busy couple weeks so I thought I'd get right at her.
Me and the grade 2 corp have been busy working the kinks out of the new drums. Aside from the bass everything is ready to rock, the bass just needs some more dampening and we're there.
New heads, cybermax, are great but not quite my style. We'll be switching back to the coretec's after the Brandon highland festival for sure. Plus I have a large box of them in the basement and if you know my mother.... they need to go!
I've been really busy with work and school and so have semi restricted my attendance at grade 3 and juvenile practice for a few weeks. I'm happy to say I poked into grade 3 on thursday and Graham is doing a fabulous job keeping things on task. Great job to the whole corp!
There's always news in pipe band world. Rarely about us. But today is one of those days and since I don't know Andrew Bertoff well enough to call him i'll blog and watch the chain of info circle the web.
My corp has grown as of this morning.
We've got a lovely 8 sides in the grade 2 corp now, and several World Championships! Years of experience, and one killer moustache! All this comes from the addition of Winnipeg's most decorated snare drummer Mr. Blair "Buz" Brown.
Buz is one of those guys that knows everybody, and has played everywhere. His experience and knowledge will greatly benefit the young drummers in the corp as we travel to Scotland for the first time.
I have to honestly say I was very surprised Buz showed any interest in playing for me, but more importantly at first I was a little bit intimidated. I think the key is though I have one rule in my corp, put the band first. If everyone does that we all get along.
I'm looking forward to having a larger drum corp period but adding a seasoned veteran to the mix of young bucks is the great advantage we were looking for.
Having Buz play at home for the first time in God knows how long shows we're doing something right. We've built a family pipe band, that focuses on positive energy and hard, smart work. Obviously this is an attractive idea to some players.
I hope having someone of Buz's calibre and resume take me and the boys seriously enough to don a blue kilt will encourage the rest of the pipe band world to not shrug us off as to young, and to inexperienced. We are all students of our craft, first and foremost, and we deserve a good shake for our efforts.
Now I have to go email Buz all music and then prepare for the upcoming ppbam contest.
Cheers everyone
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