Friday, April 23, 2010

Officially the Luckiest D/s on Earth

Hi folks,

It's a little under 24 hours till I drag my butt out of bed to go judge, and play, at the Brandon highland festival. Always a pleasure working with Richard and his great team.

Brave folks too! Some years we are trapped inside a gymnasium and others we're outside trying out our sound in the great outdoors. Not an easy task for Richard to coordinate surely.

I always get a little jumpy the day before a contest. More excited than anything. I love pipe band contests, they're the best way I can think of spending the day.. second I guess would be fishing, then golfing, then bbqing... that would be okay too!

I suppose everybody wants me to comment on the complete 180 turn around from my previous post regarding the growing drum corp.

I havent really sat down to comment to my own drummers on Buz's decision not to play (for those who didn't know as of wednesday night Buz had decided not to play) but I suppose a half an hour before a marketing exam is as good a time as any.

If you could see my face you'd see how little surprise is on it. As I say to my boys "this is my look of caring, see how it doesn't exist?" It is a shame though simply because we're creating something great and Buz could have been a great part of that.

Citing lack of inspiration to play Buz informed Wes and I, and then the facebook world of his official non-band member status. C'est la vie... or however you spell that.

Of course as usual, I'm more than happy with what we've got, and immediately following this news I received numerous emails and phone calls from many pipe band people around North America saying not to worry that we're on the right track and to keep teaching and growing from the youth of Winnipeg.

So there's my official position. To anybody who has a chance to play with the people I do every week, to pick up sticks a jam with any SASPB drum corp, and turns it down.... your loss.

I've got an exam at 11:30 and a pipe band practice at 7:00.. guess which is on my mind at 10:45 am.


a.k.a the luckiest D/s on earth

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