Monday, February 22, 2010

Me and my 31 closest friends

What an incredible weekend we've just finished here in the peg!

Really just a fabulous all round weekend.

Wes and I really had our hands full saturday, between his judging, me playing solos, debuting our Two Rivers Students in solo competition, two grade 5 bands we work with, our grade 3 band, and the big grade 2 show.

But we made it!

I'm happy to report that the Dakota band from South Dakota travelled up here to Winnipeg to compete for the first time, and cleaned house! I couldn't be prouder of Brian and Peggy, it was a great pleasure performing with you guys.

Our grade 3 band debuted under their new direction, and won! More importantly they played well, I'm very excited about the direction Mark is taking the band.

Solos were incredibly successful. Of course I only really watch the drumming, but with the top 3 grades going to the SASPB drummers i'm very very proud.

I'm also gonna take a selfish moment as I managed to squeak to pretty good solo plays out and edge past Bob Ford (Ering Street) for the Professional prize. As exciting as that is, I woke up this morning to read and there was my name on the results page!!! This is a first, and after being referred to as Kirby McRae at the line in Maxville it was nice to get mentioned.

I suppose the big story was the grade 2 contest. Which i'm happy to report we won!

We played every player we have in the medley, and it was pretty darn good. 20 pipers, 7 sides, 4 tenors, and 1 bass. That's a big band for the prairies. Blair "Buzz" Brown was kind enough to get the video of our medley up on you tube yesterday and after viewing it I'm pretty pleased.

I should mention that the drum corp was a bit upset over missing the best drum corp award, however, after reviewing the sheets nothing truly surprised me. We did however help our band secure first place with what can only be described as glowing ensemble sheets and a pair of 1st place ensemble finishes.

I know the drummers read my blog, so to them I'll say what I always do... We're not here to be the best drum corp, just the best pipe band, and Saturday we were. I'm very, very proud.

Hugh Cameron, and Buzz, have given us some great sheets to work on, and I'll be reviewing plent of video.

I've included some pics this time of the big blue machine in action. Stay tuned as we are expecting our drums very soon, I also have some other pretty good news up my sleeve!

Now I have to practice guitar, as apparently that's what I get paid for!!!!



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