Thursday, February 4, 2010

Break a Leg

What a disturbing line?....

Depressing really...

Unles you're a musician like myself. Then it becomes the closest thing to "Good Luck" you can throw at someone.

Since this is a pipe band blog, and technically British based, we're going to use Wikipedia's British origin for this saying. Especially since it's the only one that makes any sense.

"Break a Leg" originated in Shakespeare's time. At the end of a great performance the performers would be tipped. The act of tipping would come about when the audience, during their applause, tossed coins at the performers. The performers would then bow to one knee to pick up the coins, thus breaking their leg line.

Fascinating..... of course I strongly recommend throwing wads of twenty dollar bills at the pipe bands saturday night. Inflation is a cruel mistress and Shakespeare's coin tossing era is long gone.

Yes it is concert week. I've been a busy, busy boy. The band has been burning the candle at 3 ends this week.... (go figure that one out)

Sunday night we had a great rehearsal at the University of Manitoba. Backing band, dancers, everything went so well. Tuesday was another great run for just the grade 2 band. Tonight, however, is dress rehearsal. 2 pipe bands, 1 backing band, 12 dancers, 1 stage....

She's gonna be crazy. I think I calculated 60 - 70 performers this year. This doesn't include backstage staff, or any other help we have upstairs in the lobby. Our concert has grown to a huge monster show. Not bad for little old Winnipeg.

There are a few tickets still available. You can contact any band member or me at 391 5057. We'll get them to you somehow.

If you are planning on attending our magnificent show, please refrain from throwing wads of money until the final curtain call. It distracts the pipers.

Have a great weekend, whatever you do. Next week starts the push to our first contest.

Break a Leg!!!


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