I hope everyone had a wonderful summer full of pipe band competitions, and bbqs, and golf... etc. etc. etc.
It has been a very weird August/September. As much as 4 weeks ago Wes and I were under the assumption we didn't have a pipe band... As many know this past season was a struggle for all involved and we didn't think we'd have enough returning players to piece together a band.
Then about a week after that, the calls and emails started. "Hey when is first practice?" "Can you send me music?" "Got any spots open in the corp?"
Boom! Within a week we have a very strong drum corp, a great midsection, and a very nice pipe corp to lead us.
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. This is a great group of committed people. I think the year of struggle did two things. 1: It gave us a little downtime, 2: You don't always appreciate something until it's gone.
Well it's back. First practice is this Sunday morning. 8:30 am. MSR's are picked, and written, midsection included. We're so far ahead of the ball we'll be in great shape, theoretically.
Plans for Grade 2 this year are Moose Jaw/Regina, and Maxville. Grade 3 is looking at Pleasanton I believe.
It's going to be a great year, and if you know anyone interested in playing in the bands we'd love to have them out.
Take care and talk soon!
Excellent news! Still wishing (and waiting until) I have money to travel again -- oh yeah, and time when I'm not writing or researching. It will come!