I hope everyone had a wonderful summer full of pipe band competitions, and bbqs, and golf... etc. etc. etc.
It has been a very weird August/September. As much as 4 weeks ago Wes and I were under the assumption we didn't have a pipe band... As many know this past season was a struggle for all involved and we didn't think we'd have enough returning players to piece together a band.
Then about a week after that, the calls and emails started. "Hey when is first practice?" "Can you send me music?" "Got any spots open in the corp?"
Boom! Within a week we have a very strong drum corp, a great midsection, and a very nice pipe corp to lead us.
I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. This is a great group of committed people. I think the year of struggle did two things. 1: It gave us a little downtime, 2: You don't always appreciate something until it's gone.
Well it's back. First practice is this Sunday morning. 8:30 am. MSR's are picked, and written, midsection included. We're so far ahead of the ball we'll be in great shape, theoretically.
Plans for Grade 2 this year are Moose Jaw/Regina, and Maxville. Grade 3 is looking at Pleasanton I believe.
It's going to be a great year, and if you know anyone interested in playing in the bands we'd love to have them out.
Take care and talk soon!