Friday, September 14, 2012

2013 - A New Hope

Star Wars? YUP!

Why not eh? I've seen Lord of the Rings references on pipe band blogs so it only seems fair.

Plus Star Wars kicks ass....

I've had my ear to the ground during the off season... of course it doesn't take an expert to hear the rumblings from Ontario, Scotland, and the rest of the communities. Today's blog, however, is about the Big Blue Machine (once upon a time I think someone called us the borg from Mordor... mix references much?)

Lots of shake ups here in the Peg. I MOVED!!! I now reside in a beautiful mansion in Transcona, Manitoba. Transcona is the home of great things like mullets, mint condition Iroc Camaros from the 80s, flamingo lawn decorations, the Transcona and District Pipe Band (of which I am alumni), and now... the Johnstons. We already love it there and I can't wait to spend my evenings in my gorgeous gazebo puffing on my pipe and writing drum scores.

I should also mention that in Transcona a split level 2,000 sq ft house with a single detached garage is a mansion.

So that means that I can go to band practices easily. I'll be popping into Grade 3 often, and I am back on the roster for teachers at Two Rivers. I can't wait!

Two Rivers Juvenile gets going again on Monday night. This is the bands 3rd year of running, last year doing quite well in Grade 5. This year they hope to become more consistent and hammer out an identity of their own.

Grade 3 has some big changes. After a somewhat successful season, both PM Mark Jorgensen, and DS Dylan Knight will step back for personal reasons, and they will be replaced by new PM Alex Peden, and DS Dave Chorney. All four of these men are amazing players and people, I can't wait to see what the band looks like come February.

Grade 2 is on break. Wes and I are discussing tunes, and working with a few of the pipers to form medleys and selections. Things are progressing, and if I can stay out of my scotch collection should be good to go.

I'm happy to announce my little drum corp is growing. We're retaining all members from last year (7) and adding Mr. Craig Weston. Craig comes to us after a very successful several years with Edmonton & District. Apparently he's a sucker for some cute girl here in Winnipeg (his very favorite niece Isla Bisset, Kyle's daughter) and is moving here to try his hand as a Winnipegger. Whatever works! I'm pleased to have him.

He's not the only new comer in the back end, but I'll save it for a more formal and confirmed blog post...

Always leave them hangin.... ;)

Check in later, take care, and cheers!


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