Friday, September 14, 2012

2013 - A New Hope

Star Wars? YUP!

Why not eh? I've seen Lord of the Rings references on pipe band blogs so it only seems fair.

Plus Star Wars kicks ass....

I've had my ear to the ground during the off season... of course it doesn't take an expert to hear the rumblings from Ontario, Scotland, and the rest of the communities. Today's blog, however, is about the Big Blue Machine (once upon a time I think someone called us the borg from Mordor... mix references much?)

Lots of shake ups here in the Peg. I MOVED!!! I now reside in a beautiful mansion in Transcona, Manitoba. Transcona is the home of great things like mullets, mint condition Iroc Camaros from the 80s, flamingo lawn decorations, the Transcona and District Pipe Band (of which I am alumni), and now... the Johnstons. We already love it there and I can't wait to spend my evenings in my gorgeous gazebo puffing on my pipe and writing drum scores.

I should also mention that in Transcona a split level 2,000 sq ft house with a single detached garage is a mansion.

So that means that I can go to band practices easily. I'll be popping into Grade 3 often, and I am back on the roster for teachers at Two Rivers. I can't wait!

Two Rivers Juvenile gets going again on Monday night. This is the bands 3rd year of running, last year doing quite well in Grade 5. This year they hope to become more consistent and hammer out an identity of their own.

Grade 3 has some big changes. After a somewhat successful season, both PM Mark Jorgensen, and DS Dylan Knight will step back for personal reasons, and they will be replaced by new PM Alex Peden, and DS Dave Chorney. All four of these men are amazing players and people, I can't wait to see what the band looks like come February.

Grade 2 is on break. Wes and I are discussing tunes, and working with a few of the pipers to form medleys and selections. Things are progressing, and if I can stay out of my scotch collection should be good to go.

I'm happy to announce my little drum corp is growing. We're retaining all members from last year (7) and adding Mr. Craig Weston. Craig comes to us after a very successful several years with Edmonton & District. Apparently he's a sucker for some cute girl here in Winnipeg (his very favorite niece Isla Bisset, Kyle's daughter) and is moving here to try his hand as a Winnipegger. Whatever works! I'm pleased to have him.

He's not the only new comer in the back end, but I'll save it for a more formal and confirmed blog post...

Always leave them hangin.... ;)

Check in later, take care, and cheers!


Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Gap in the Circle

I've spoken at great length recently about the family of pipe band. I've referred to a brotherhood in the drum corp. At a time when we reflect on successes and struggles of a season gone by, we receive news of a loss of a brother.

I remember the day I was informed of a new player joining the ranks, one with history, trophies, skill, and knowledge. I was in awe of this man the day he showed up.

Allister Rodger was a quiet force. He demanded respect simply through his silence. He always had a quiet word for the young guys, like myself, that needed encouragement from those with more experience. Many of us benefited from his experience.

He always satisfied myself, and the other young punks, with stories of bands he played in, pipers he competed against.It was the stories that sparked our dreams.

As Allister took ill he would often reappear at competitions. I would catch a glimpse of him watching a young piper walking the boards, and his smile would always be there when the band broke off after a run in the circle. A pat on the back for the boys, a "good play", a quick nod, then the constructive criticism. He was always adjudicating, looking for the improvement to be made.

One of Allister's closest pupils in piping was long time band member Scott Foster. Scott left the band this year to pursue a run at the big leagues. I'm sure Allister was proud seeing Scott in the kilt of the Grade 1 Alberta Caledonia, and knowing he performed in the Grade 1 circle at the world's would have warmed Allister's heart.

This great man is gone now. Passed away at 56 years old. Too soon. His ever piping hands are still, and we will miss him. Tomorrow we say goodbye, and I shall add him to my very short list of people I put in my mind, and heart just before I walk to the final tuning circle. Hoping to do him proud.


Monday, June 18, 2012

Manitoba Highland Gathering, Clinics, and Karaoke?

Happy Monday to all my beaters and blowers. I hope we find each other well.

The season seems to be in full swing. I've been eagerly watching the results come in from all over the world. Right now I have my hard earned no money on Field Marshal for the World's again. Even on Youtube they sound like their putting on a clinic for the other grade 1 bands.

We spent the past week drumming. Which is equivalent to spending it in heaven in my book. Friend of the blog and proprietor of Graham Brown flew in on Monday and began a rigorous schedule of lessons and clinics.

Practice Tuesday went well. Graham got a feel for where the Grade 2 corp was and we worked some kinks out, then after his solo lesson Wednesday I hosted a pad practice at my construction site... I mean home. It was fun to see the whole corp around my dining room table, as well as Dave Chorney and family coming for a visit. I hope in the years to come my step son Jacob will remember having this awesome drum corp sitting around his table pounding their way to great things. He was already gung ho to show Mr. Brown his doubles.

Thursday Graham spent with a few soloists and then the grade 3 band. New band bass drummer David was working into the grade 3 music and he is well on his way to being a fantastic addition to the corp there.

Friday night Graham and I attended the "judges meeting" before MBHG. By meeting I clearly mean bbq at Wes'. With all good intentions we headed to Lead tenor drummer Megan Ross' 20th birthday party and I left shortly after hearing the words Korean Karaoke. A wise decision.

Saturday brought rain. The contest was moved to higher ground, but we still managed two very solid plays and I'm very pleased with all the work the corp has done this past week. So much improvement in so little time is amazing. I wanted to thank all the grade 2 cats that came out Sunday for our clinic with Jake Watson and Alan Walters. Father's day isn't the best time to be in a parking lot getting a sunburn but they were out in full force.

We continue our journey towards Maxville this week. Next stop the contest circle. Stay tuned as I'll be updating regularly for the next month and a half.



Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Kids Ain't Cheap

Spring has sprung, and gone, and then it rained, and now it's summer..... For most in the pipe band world this means contest time. For a prairie lead drummer this means contest time, and prep for next year time. Music to pick, write, and arrange, and more importantly... Budgets to put together. Did you know that to get a custom paint job (a la our beauty drums) it take approx. 6 months for delivery? HOLY EXPLETIVE BATMAN!!!!! In the pipe band world things change in a matter of weeks. One minute you have 6 drummers next it's 10.. or something...... So my job at this time of the year is to look at what I've got coming in to our 3 drum corps and then make a budget based on heads, repairs, and new drums. On another note, having an artist deal with a major manufacturer helps.... but there is still a cost to each drum and it ain't cheap. I'm blessed to be experiencing growth in the back end. If all goes to plan I'll be able to field 10-11 snares next year in grade 2, 4 in grade 3, and maybe 2 -3 in two Rivers. Problem... we don't have that many drums. So I'm bending my mind to find either a fundraiser, or a sponsorship that can help this drum corp stay in the black. If you have any ideas throw them my way. Second point of the day. Mr. Graham Brown Lead Drummer of Peel, and former World Champine yadda yadda holy crap he's good, is in town to work me and the gang into a competitive rabid wolf. I'm looking forward to a week where pipe band is at the forefront of my mind. Graham is giving lessons while he's in town and if you get this in time message me for details. It's worth every penny to get a chance to pick this amazing young drummers mind. I'll get back to you after the week is over and I wanna jump off a roof.... ;) Sean

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Can Anyone Spell 180?

Have you ever said something, or did something, that made you look like an idiot? The answer is yes. If you answered no go ask a friend and see if they can recall a time you looked like an idiot, then come back and try again. Why do I feel stupid? I've put off blogging entirely since March. Not because I was busy, though I was, but because I was embarrassed. I refer you to the last blog. I was fresh off a trip back from Toronto, head held high, flying on a once in a lifetime experience. I didn't think there was anything that could stop me from getting to the top.... Fast forward about a month later, I'm married, renovating, and enjoying the challenge of two bands. Then I get tossed a curve ball at work and my time goes from manageable to nil and void. I've heard of this disease, I've had dear friends suffer from it, this plague on pipe bands.... life. I have the most supporting wife, a great home pipe band that supported my decision to try, but the job is a priority. Even today my schedule is making it difficult to manage getting to St. Andrew's let alone practicing Peel. So I had to throw in the towel. I thanked Graham, and John for giving me the opportunity, then walked away with my tail between my legs. The option of pursuing both bands was impossible with my given time. The decision was easy, it was practically made for me. Here's the logic. What's the priority? St. Andrew's has always been my top priority musically. This year is our finest effort as a drum corp, the numbers, the music, it's all there. Why would I risk all our years of hard work just for myself? So there it is, a 180 between last post and this one. Still positive, still excited, just focused. I guess I really am blue blooded.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Alive, and Educated

Happy Monday everyone,

I'm back, and I survived.

I have a quick synopsis of the weekend. A: I wasn't as prepared as I would have liked, most likely exhaustion mixed with nerves, my memory failed miserably, but my hands kept me in it, B: Damn those guys play fast. It doesn't sound like it when you listen, it sounds controlled and musical... but holy does it cook when you get your hands in it.

I was quite pleased with my MSR playing. The style is very different, but I made a ton of notes and I have great confidence that I will be able to make this jump.

I think the most important thing I learned this weekend, was that we're all very similar. In fact, Peel from a drumming perspective is very similar to us. Certainly not the music, but the personalities. They too have a few goofs who make everyone smile and relax the tension in the room. Graham also likes to teach through explanation as well as example, very similar to myself.

As I got to know all the players I became immediately confident that I'd made the right decision in coming to play in the big leagues.

These people are all driven, passionate, talented, and down to earth. I guess I was expecting an air of superiority. Not towards myself, but towards the non-elite player. This doesn't exist in Peel. Not a trace. That put me at ease.

Everyone knows I've always valued the friendships of pipe band above the abilities of individual players. I balance my corp based on personalities not hands. So to show up at practice Saturday and be welcomed by everyone from the rookies like me, to the experienced players like the Bells, Ian, and Graham, I was relaxed from the get go.

I'm looking forward to the next few weeks. I have a style in my head now, and a purpose... to make damn sure I not only play, but that I can contribute to this group in whatever way I can.

Now it's off to St. Andrew's practice tomorrow, reaffirmed that my years of leading this drum corp was in the right direction. I will share my experience with my younger players and let them know that they too can make this leap with hard work, and a friendly committed personality.



ps not the photo is from the airport around 5 am Saturday morning.....owww

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Practice Makes the Perfect Poker Face

I seem to be in a music induced fog...

It has been 4 days since the first contest of the season and I have spent about 4-6 hours of each day with sticks in my hand trying to harness the energy of Graham Brown's music.

I'm at that point where, usually in July, my hands can do anything. So that's awesome. However, there is one little insignificant, yet all important factor I'm not considering....Unison....

I'm a lead drummer by trade these days. It's been 5 or so years since I've played unison at all.

*quick break for the pipers*

Unison (or chips) refers to the piano time or first repeat of a part. The lead drummer plays the music and the corp players jump in and out to create larger accent patterns and dynamics. A very musical approach and yet friggin hard to do.

*end break for pipers*

I am summoning every bit of knowledge I have from back in the day. Playing for Bob Cooper and Roland Reid was a real treat for my ability because these two men played like fire and ice.. completely different. Rolly had hands that could accomplish things that appeared to defy gravity, time, and space... Bob was methodical, musical, and always consistent. Learning to keep up with Bob's perfection, and Rolly's musical ability was an education I don't think you can get anywhere.

And now I must apply the knowledge..

The trick is, I don't have a lead drummer to follow. I'm sitting in my living room listening to Peel records trying to get Graham's style without seeing it.

This is where the modern fly-in player must be creative. Youtube to the rescue!!!

I've watched every video of Graham, and all his corp players, and just about everyone from Ontario to see if there is a distinct style I can copy. I've watched Jim Kilpatrick who is obviously a great influence in Graham's playing. Now I apply the knowledge.

I have exactly 8 days until the marathon begins. Here's my flight schedule if you're wondering.

Next Fridy: Pop the Trunk Live at Whiskey Dix
2am Saturday Morning: Pop the Trunk finishes gigging, drive to airport
5am Flight to Toronto: sleep/read music/drink coffee
8am Arrive in Toronto: Kill time until pick up
10am: Practice!!!!
I'm assuming based on the judges list that after practice we're going to the Toronto knockout contest..

Sunday repeat practice schedule, then fly home for 8 oclock.
Monday back to work....owww

As crazy as that all seems I couldn't be more excited.

I think Angie might be getting a bit jealous of my drum pad but I'll make it up to her.

The last thing I have to work on is my poker face... How to sit at this practice all day without a dumb grin on my face and giggling like a school girl. I know Jake well, and Graham pretty good, but what do I do when Graham Kirkwood introduces himself, or one of the Bells.. or John Cairns.... There's so much talent and history in this band I'm going to see that it's like I'm going to Disney Land.

Anyways I'll keep you posted on the poker face. So far, not so good.



Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Successful Weekend in Review

Good morning all.

I hope everyone has recovered from the long weekend. For those who were visiting Winnipeg briefly, I hope you enjoyed your stay, and I hope you may have got a chance to check out festivale always a great tradition in our city.

Well the first contest is behind us and we're reviewing. I have to thank the adjudicators for their work and their sheets. I especially want to thank Doug Stronach for his sheets as they are always full of great advice and critique. Lots of stuff to work on, and some great encouraging words as well.

It would appear things are moving in the right direction. From a leadership stand point this weekend couldn't have gone better. We introduced some new players and they played fabulously. We ran a few youngins out in solos and they were very successful. I have to congratulate Shane Kirkpatrick (gr 2 snare) on his winning grade 3 and drummer of the day. I believe he'll be upgraded asap but we're proud of him. Shane has worked hard, as he has been the product of three separate instructors. I noticed Shane's abilities and knowing my own limitations and strengths as an instructor I also signed him up with the Fidler boys for work on attention to detail, and Dave Chorney for technique work and general knowledge. This triple team effort and Shane's hard work have resulted in one of the most well balanced young players I've come across and it's a real treat for all of us to see him blossom into the player he is.

I have to report that I've read the grade 3 sheets, and despite a second place over-all finish, they were very well appreciated by the adjudicators. They have plenty of work to do, and the competition between them and Macalaster College is heating up. Congratulations to their whole band on a great weekend.

Grade 2 had a fabulous day, all pistons were firing and all the new members were successful in bids to play with the band. Congrats to Anna, Amanda, Rob, Wendy, and Shane for making their first plays a memorable and victorious one.

This is the first year I've left certain facets out of my own hands. I hate being micro-managed and have finally learned to not micro-manage others (a do unto others approach I guess) the players in the all corps, instructors, sound guys, helpers, all rose to the challenge and were exactly where they needed to be when they needed to be. We finally are as organized and as independent as the pipe corp. This will show in Maxville, well done.

I have to take a moment to thank two awesome dudes for helping out all weekend. Dave Chorney and Ian Walker were invaluable. I wish you guys were coming to Maxville with us mostly for my own sanity. Thanks for tuning the grade 3 gear Dave and for helping in every way possible. Ian, thanks for carrying that spare drum up and down the hallway 50 times, it's appreciated.

I really really enjoyed the day. We never get a chance to hear the other bands, but I snuck in to hear Macalester and let me tell you, they do not disappoint, the quintessential grade 3 pipe band. Fantastic performance.

I did finally get to watch the City of Regina on video yesterday. I really enjoyed Buz's scores especially in the MSR. Buz has a unique style, and our corp versus theirs is very much an apples to oranges comparison. They have developed a real spark in the band with the addition of this skilled drum corp. I am truly looking forward to more contests.

The big story for us on the day wasn't grade 3, or 2, but grade 5. We finally got the kids out and rolling.

For those that were wondering what the big fuss was when the results are announced I should explain...

2 years ago we took a gamble, we decided we wanted to take what information and knowledge we had, and teach a new generation. The instructors Scott, Kyla, Jamie, Heather, Wes, Ian, Brian, Megan, Chris, Gina, Amanda,and most certainly Gale, all put in hours of effort to turn a group of kids who had really barely heard a pipe band and make them players. The kids worked tirelessly and Saturday was the first time they'd actually worn kilts, let alone played in public.

They responded exactly the way a St Andrew's band does. They played confidently and clearly, and won the day.

At about 1 o'clock the kids were introduced to counter-marching. They learned this with the entire grade 2, and 3 bands watching their every move. They walked to the line with 40 or 50 heavy players following them. They didn't blink.

The real reward wasn't the win, the real reward, for those of us who took this project on, was watching the kids enjoy each others company. Playing around, eating lunch, causing a bit of mischief, together.

A lot of the instructors made some big sacrifices to make this dream come true. Shunned by friends outside the organization, looked down upon, and smack-talked by ignorant individuals who don't see the pure value of one more educating pipe band teaching our trade. To those who took this in stride and helped us achieve this goal,we will never forget what you did for the kids and our program. You're forever apart of our family and we take care of our own.

Proof is in the pudding, we have our first grade 5 trophy, and the kids will never forget what they accomplished. I see great things in the future for this little group.

The next thing on all the bands plate is the concert in April. Tickets will be available this week and I hope everyone makes it out. I am looking forward to a fabulous concert.

Until then have a great March and happy practicing. I'm off to Toronto next weekend March 2 ,3 so keep your fingers crossed and I'll keep you all informed as this saga continues.

Take care.


Monday, February 13, 2012

Valuable Lessons

Happy Monday everybody.

With the Winnipeg Scottish Festival fast approaching we've been very very busy this past couple days.

Incidentally I've also been flooring our bedroom, and gigging....

I wanted to draw light on a few things that I haven't quite had the heart to talk about.

A few weeks back Chris Milne lost his father. I had the privilege of meeting Mr. Milne once and he was a kind a gracious man. I'm not very good at making quick impressions of people, but knowing the son he raised, Mr. Milne must've been a gem.

There's always some connection between parents and Pipers and Drummers. Sometimes a parent played, or just encouraged, but it's there. So the first practice back is never easy. I'm glad to have Chris back at practice, it balances the band having him around and we wouldn't be the same without him.

Shortly after that we received the sudden and sad news that Alan Ford's father had passed away. This came as some shock to many of us as Mr. Ford had just returned home from a trip to Scotland to visit family. Mr. Ford was a great band supporter and I know following the passing of his beloved wife he spent a great deal of time in the company of family.

It is a blessing that he met his grandson Graeme Ford before he passed. He will be greatly missed.

I once wrote about Mr. Ford. At that point I hardly knew him. But he had taken ill and his sudden turn of health served as a wake-up call to myself in a time when I was quite blind by working and band etc. Since then I have spent a good deal more time enjoying my life, family, friends, and the fun side of pipe bands.

The night before I heard about Mr. Ford's passing my own father rushed himself into hospital. Another wake-up call. My dad (John, Johnny, JJ, etc.) suffered a mild stroke and managed to get to a hospital safely. It turns out the life he lead at my age caught up with him in his mid-60's.

My dad is diabetic and has really turned his life around the past few years as far as diet control and enjoying life. I'm extremely proud of the changes he made. But the scales were still unbalanced and he must now undergo surgery to deal with some blockages.

And I have attention issues.


I don't skip my attention around like the the previous two lines might suggest. My problem is I put up blinders. Anything that isn't right in front of me I forget about. This goes for family. My old man lives in the absolute boonies. A long drive to any civilization. Thus I tend to forget to call him. Not a day goes by he doesn't cross my mind but it's usually while at the desk etc.

The other side to this health scare... I AM my father. Not by choice. Dad has warned me plenty of times about his mistakes as a young man. But try as I may I can't stay out of the drive-thru... I look in the mirror and he's staring right back at me.

The lesson I didn't learn from Mr. Ford's sudden illness I learned the moment I read of his passing. The lessons I pretended to learn from my Dad I learned immediately when my sister called me. I have a few young guys in the corp and I thought maybe I should share these lessons in the hope they take them without learning them the hard way.

Lesson #1 - Make best of the time you have, make sure loved ones are treated as such, because you just never know

Lesson #2 - No matter what has happened, no matter how busy you are, take a moment, sit down, and call your parents.

Lesson #3 (The one my dad tried to warn me of) - For everything there is a cost, what you do as a young man will catch you later.

Rest in Peace Mr. Milne, Mr. Ford, and thanks to the good Lord for giving me a second chance to appreciate my parents, both of them, crazy as they may be :).

Look for the silver lining. In every loss there is always a balance. This weekend we welcome Andrew Chorney to the family. Jen and the baby are both healthy, and Dave... well he's still Dave and we can't ask for miracles.

Finally a baby that isn't pre-destined to play bagpipes!



Thursday, February 2, 2012

Blink of An Eye

Did anybody see that???

I think it was January that just flew by...

I don't remember a thing. I know a lot happened. Wes and I did a clinic in Sioux Falls and played at a Burn's dinner. We had several practices including a weekend rehearsal, and now here we are again.

Staring down the barrel of a double weekend rehearsal. It's crunch time for us. The first contest is in 2 weeks and we have to be in our finest form.

As with every February contest we are never sure what we'll face for competition. Both bands wait until the order of play to know whether it's a contest or a contest/rehearsal. We treat each situation the same, but there's nothing like competition to get the blood pumping.

I hear through the grapevine... (facebook) that there is gonna be a sword fight at Scottish Festival. Literally a Scottish Broadsword demonstration. This intrigues me. I'm going to be using this as an added inspiration, creating a more literal meaning to the word "cut".

We do have some fantastic judges coming out for this. That's always nice. It allows us to get some feedback from the pros as to our improvement.

In other news, I think my future wife has finally realized what I meant by "will you be my pipe band widow?"....

I'm spending a great deal of time tucked in my office practicing. Even though Jacob (Angie's 5 year old son) spends a lot of time with me working on his mama dada's I think Angie is seeing why I was so wary when I told her about Peel :)

The music is clipping along. I'm happy to say the St. Andrew's stuff is all set and we're working our butts off. Once that stuff is locked in my head I begin the challenging task of separating MSRs.

For all those who got in touch with me regarding this new adventure I'm on, I can't thank you enough for your words of encouragement. I go back and read them all every time I can't seem to master one of Graham's epic drum licks.

To be continued....


Friday, January 27, 2012

An Old Dog and Some New Tricks

Ok... so I'm not that old... but stay with me...

I've been running the grade 2 corp for a number of years now, needless to say it's been awhile since I've seen a new rudiment I had to wrap my hands around.

But with each new year comes a lot of new opportunities. The Grade 2 band is heading to Maxville this year. We will not be in Scotland for the World's the week after. This, however, has opened up an opportunity for myself... At some point somewhere the Pipe Band God's were having a party, throwing a few back, and decided to trick the great Graham Brown into asking me to try out for his corp.

This results in me getting a chance rarely bestowed on pipers and drummers... The chance to play Grade 1. To be on the cd's and dvd's. To go to the show as Kevin Costner so aptly put it in Bull Durham (I think that movie was about pipe bands).

The next step? Don't screw it up!

I've nestled into a practice regimen that sees me practicing an hour before work and one to two before bed. I am deadly dedicated to St. Andrew's so I have to make sure I have that music cold before I delve to far into Peel's.

I am practicing them as a hybrid. Since both band's seasons overlap I have to be able to move from score to score without hesitation. Incidentally out of 4 MSRs (Two per band) Exactly 3 of the tunes are different both bands are playing the same marches and both are playing one of the same Reels....

But wow what music!

It's been three days and I've learned a ton. Haven't even been to a rehearsal yet. This is the education I desperately need, and many local drummers outside our corp have been kind enough to explain to me... But I'm loyal to my people, something a great piper once told me about Graham.

I love my corp, and it's my opinion that this experience will certainly make the big blue back end sound even better.

So away I go.

This blog will now become not only musings and news from Saspb, but a diary of my attempt to play in the bigs. A sort of days in the life of a grade 1 virgin if you will.

I hope you enjoy and follow along as we take this adventure on together.


Saspb Lead Drummer
Peel Wanna-be

Monday, January 23, 2012

New Year, New Blog

Good morning fellow pipe banders and general clingers-on.

I hope 2012 finds everyone in good spirits. We at the Big Blue Machine certainly are!

There's a lot of news kicking around so I'll get right to it.

We welcomed a couple new family members before Christmas. Baby Graeme from the Ford clan joined us and the whole family is doing very well. Alan is slowly taking to the idea of not being the only kid in the house, and we're all adjusting to Papa Al!!

We also had a new Schneider Baby arrive December 8th!! Phil, Allison, and Isla brought baby Malcolm into the world and based on his size (9lbs, 21") he'll be carrying a bass drum around before pre-school. Everyone is healthy and happy and Malcolm is already arm wrestling with Dad!

So we entered the New Year with some sleepy parents but smiles all around.

We have had to make some tough decisions as a band this season. We had initially planned on another run at Scotland, but due to expense and holiday restrictions etc. we have decided now to go back to Maxville for the North Americans.

This was a tough decision and it wasn't made lightly. The game plan is Scotland 2013 and we've already begun planning.

Our annual concert has been booked. April 14 is the date, and a second show is being added April 15. Both shows will be held at the beautiful Franco-Manitoban Cultural Center (Centre culturel franco-manitobain) we hope to see many of your smiling faces.

I hope to have some more time now to spend blogging and keeping up with Pipe band things.

Take care and see you all soon!
