Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Changing Leaves

Well it's officially fall!

Regardless of how you feel, fall comes when a Cabela's employee says so, and I'm telling you it's fall.

My favourite time of year.

Along with hunting season, back to school, a new pipe band season, the leads change colour..... Wait I mean the leaves change colour... And I get this calm sense that it's business time.

Yes a small and massively lame crack at the big news this year. All over lead drummers are stepping down, retiring, or just letting someone else take over.

I suppose the biggest news impacting us would be the grade 2 moves. Mr. Harvey Dawson has taken the reins of Penetangore (Ontario) I'm excited to see his corps but a little disappointed we won't see another Kirkwood corp for awhile.

The biggest Grade 2 news impacting us would obviouslÝ be Blair (Buzz) Brown taking over the corp at City of Regina. Ian Aastrom and I have had a long standing and friendly rivalry which saw our corps duke it out locally, nationally, and at the World's.

I'm gonna miss Ian's challenges. He always put a great corp out and we were just two young corps struttin our stuff. Trying to make the best music we could.

But, with Ian's stepping down, up comes another great turn of events. Winnipegger Blair Brown has taken on the corp with Ian playing in it. I couldn't be more excited!! My generation has never seen a Buzz run corp on the prairies and I know the boys were very excited last night.

Hopefully our friendly rivalry will continue as this will certainly create a new challenge for me and the goon squad.

Stay tuned as tomorrow I've got some news regarding a grade 2 performance coming up.

Enjoy the fall!!!! Stick the landing :D



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