Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day #2 - I thought of you

Good afternoon everyone,

It's a balmy slightly chilly outside today, but all in all we've had good weather.

Practice was a bit nippy so it looks like we're changing times to 9 am tomorrow.

Most of the band headed to Edinburgh, Scotland's home of the crown jewels and royal mile...It's one of the most beautiful places on earth and I hope they all come back with great memories.

Me? Well I'm catching up on rest, and enjoying the quiet time to work a bit on next year's medley and then I think I'll walk to the Todd and relax with a pint and my pipe. Sound like an old man? Don't care.. I'm on vacation :)

We had another very successful practice, chanters were in great shape as they climatized nicely thanks to the very skillful hands of our chanter crew and a very special friend.

The band was so loud it woke up our good buddy Buzz sleeping at Victoria Hall! So he came down and had a listen, we had a good chat regarding Maxville, and Buzz confirmed some of my thoughts regarding our medley play and why we were so successful in the back end.

Of course we want to send our best wishes out to all the bands just starting their journey here. Especially City of Regina Pipe Band who will be arriving the next few days, we've warmed up the bar and the stools c'mon over the waters great!

Other than that not much to report. The sick folks are rehabilitating, things are looking up for them, and even the folks who don't own cell phones at home have brand new tiny ones. (They're ridiculously cheap over here, 7 pounds for a new samsung)

Hopefully we'll hear from the other bands soon, but right now, it's just us, and Band Club (Sydney Australia) leading the charge.

Cheers folks,


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