Monday, August 16, 2010

Home for a Rest

Well Happy Monday everyone!

I have to apologize to everybody for being absent this past week and a bit. After running out of time on my internet stick I had to choose between pints, or blogging...

The good news is some of us are home now. We arrived last night at 6 in from Toronto via London from Glasgow. The rest of the band is in Glasgow until Tuesday.

I'm happy to say we accomplished every single goal we set out for ourselves this season, and we even exceeded some expectations Wes and I had for the group. Both the Pipe Major and myself are very very proud.

I should retrace myself back to North Berwick. A fascinating day all in all. The weather gave us pretty much everything mother nature can in Scotland, we had over-cast, sunny, and raining in each of our three plays.

Our first contest was the grade 2 medley which we were very pleased with. We managed a 3rd place overall losing out to the St. Thomas machine and University of Bedfordshire. The spread worked out P1, P7, D5, E4. Not a bad start.

The next two plays were a combined grade 1/2 MSR (though we were the only grade 2 band entered) and a grade 1 medley. In the MSR we faired well as we ended dead last out of six. The spread was P6, P6, D6, E4. I think that ensemble mark was a huge highlight for the band. In the Medley we ended up 8th out of 8 but the spread worked out P5, P7, D8, E8. The pipers were particularly proud of that 5th as they managed to squeak one off of Peel Regional Police from Ontario and our guru yoda piping God Jake Watson. Judges can be funny sometimes.

All in all a very very successful day and we were all in good spirits for Bridge of Allan.

The Bridge started off cold but warmed for the plays in the afternoon. We had two plays Sunday, the first a grade 2 medley where we were placed 9th out of 15. This is a two judge contest and the spread broke down P12, D3. I obviously can't complain about that and we're all proud of the plays we had.

The second event was a grade 1 MSR. Again we were last out of 11 but we had a great play and the spread ran P11, D 10.

Then it was two days of rest before the final push.

I took off to Ireland to visit family and get my mind rested from pipe band... and my liver. Upon returning we immediately went to two a day practices.

Friday however, we performed in the RSPBA's parade through Glasgow, got to play in George's Square, and had lunch with the RSPBA's exec. and dignitaries as well as the Lord Provost of Glasgow. First class dining in the Chambers including fine wines, beers, and a gourmet buffet. Not to shabby!

Saturday came early as we were informed we had to have the coach at the contest grounds by 7:30. Since we played at 1:00 no one was impressed, but alas this is the circus and there were over 230 bands going.

We had a wonderful play in the qualifier, despite some ridiculous group screaming at our right flank as we made our attack. It sounded like a rugby squad was about to attack. Regardless we managed to play well and we were all happy with the performance.

Wes and I eagerly awaited the results and I'm happy to say we made it through. That was our final goal of the year achieved and the weight was gone. We took a 6th in the qualifier and moved through to the final, the qualifying spread was P5, P9, D8, E8. I'll say one thing, they're consistent over there!

A little rest and then the final push. We had a brilliant run at the final, all of the players were pleased. We knew full well we were playing against some incredible bands in one of the strongest grade 2 classes in the history of the contest.

Once massed bands settled we had a strong hold on 11th in grade 2 in the world. I supposed some would be disappointed in second last, but it was more like 11th out of 26 and with all the bands playing I can honestly say it was darn close to all the best bands in the world.

Of course as a leading drummer I can't go away without some pride in the spread. I'm not one to complain about judging I'm very fond of the RSPBA and how fairly we were treated when everyone here in Winnipeg said we would be laughed at, but I must have missed something in the final where someone's pipes started on fire or something. Anyways the spread was.. P12, P11, D7, E12.

So as a leading drummer I can only say one thing, thank you. To our pipe corp of experience and contest trialed professionals. I know that there is no single group of people myself, or the drummers, would rather follow into contest. For two years we as a drum corp have thought only of supporting your brilliant music and sound and you have given us a chance to prove ourselves at such a young age that it will surely improve our collective future.

To the drummers. Hold your heads high. 7th in drumming, in the toughest grade 2 class in years, at such a young age, there are great things in our future, together. When we were told by former World Champions we were barely grade 3A over there. We should be proud. I know I am.

Finally on behalf of Myself, Wes, and the entire grade 2 band, I want to thank all our supporters and teachers and friends. Jake Watson, for his tireless wisdom and yearly head cracking, John Fisher, for his constant inspirational teaching, Graham Brown, for helping me gain the confidence required to believe in what I am doing, Ken "the Captain" Eller, for always supporting Wes and the band, The Meade's (Harry and Bob) for helping us find our drum corp's sound and supporting us in dark moments, Blair "Buzz" Brown, for defining what the pipe band community is all about and rescuing us from Air Canada's dooming, Cameron Trotter, for selflessly lending us his personal drum for our trip, Reid Maxwell, for coming in my first season and showing me the way to ensemble which saved us numerous times, Dave Bowman, our own personal World Champion, for fielding my constant emails and always taking time to come over and show support to the kids, and finally our families, we sacrifice so much for this game, and you never question our insanity, without you we'd be lost.

MaCallum Bagpipes, Pearl Percussion, Meade Custom Drumming Supplies, Tartantown, Shell Canada, and of course The St. Andrew's Society of Winnipeg, for all your support we would be at a loss. While the bands primary funding comes from the membership our success at this level is, without a doubt, only possible with your support.

Don't forget the grade 3 band is heading to Calgary/Canmore this September long weekend so I'll be keeping you posted on their trek.

For any new players who wish to join any of the three bands please feel free to contact me at and I would be happy to point you in the right direction.

Cheers, and thank you once again.

Sean Johnston
Drum Sergeant
SASPB Winnipeg

Friday, August 6, 2010

Day #4 - Goooood Morning

Well a great practice today has left us prepped well for tomorrow's debut.

It's shaping up to be one fantastic contest as we, and many other grade 2 band, will not only duke it out in the grade 2 ring, but step up to grade 1 for the extra plays.

It's pretty amazing for me to think about even standing in the same circle as some of the players who will be there. Grade 2 was a daze last weekend, I can't imagine how I'll be feeling after grade 1.

We're all in great spirits. The band sounded great today despite rain causing some time restraints on tuning.

We've had a few lug heads pop off our harnesses so I've sent the boy out looking for replacements while I iron and sip Bowmore.

I'll be in touch tomorrow regarding results and how we played.

Until then, have a great Friday!


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day #3 - Hot hot hot.... or cold?

It's Thursday, and it's hot out...

We practiced at 9 am to find some better weather and man did mother nature co operate. It was beautiful out.

Everything is clicking well, as long as we don't over think things. A lot of the folks went to Edinburgh yesterday and had a wonderful visit at the castle. I on the other hand rested up.

We hit the Todd again last night, it was nice and quiet and while the band all went to bed early, Wes, Jamie, and I headed for some late night kabob. I was informed this is the manly thing to do.... wrong...

The boys just finished changing all the bottom heads this morning, I find this really makes these Pearls come to life. I can't wait to hear them.

Apparently a few more bands arrive today, looking forward to see them, bumped into Hugh Cameron today on the walk to the park, I think he felt a little swarmed.

All in all, a great 24 hours. Now I believe the heads are on so I should head out and test run the drums.

Have a wonderful day and we'll all chat tomorrow.



Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day #2 - I thought of you

Good afternoon everyone,

It's a balmy slightly chilly outside today, but all in all we've had good weather.

Practice was a bit nippy so it looks like we're changing times to 9 am tomorrow.

Most of the band headed to Edinburgh, Scotland's home of the crown jewels and royal mile...It's one of the most beautiful places on earth and I hope they all come back with great memories.

Me? Well I'm catching up on rest, and enjoying the quiet time to work a bit on next year's medley and then I think I'll walk to the Todd and relax with a pint and my pipe. Sound like an old man? Don't care.. I'm on vacation :)

We had another very successful practice, chanters were in great shape as they climatized nicely thanks to the very skillful hands of our chanter crew and a very special friend.

The band was so loud it woke up our good buddy Buzz sleeping at Victoria Hall! So he came down and had a listen, we had a good chat regarding Maxville, and Buzz confirmed some of my thoughts regarding our medley play and why we were so successful in the back end.

Of course we want to send our best wishes out to all the bands just starting their journey here. Especially City of Regina Pipe Band who will be arriving the next few days, we've warmed up the bar and the stools c'mon over the waters great!

Other than that not much to report. The sick folks are rehabilitating, things are looking up for them, and even the folks who don't own cell phones at home have brand new tiny ones. (They're ridiculously cheap over here, 7 pounds for a new samsung)

Hopefully we'll hear from the other bands soon, but right now, it's just us, and Band Club (Sydney Australia) leading the charge.

Cheers folks,


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day #1- Was no fun.... well maybe a little!

Good Morning friends... well it's afternoon here..

We're live and in Glasgow and finally back online.

We had a fantastic trip to Ottawa, Saturday Maxville was a special treat and surprise.

The Band had absolutely fantastic plays the Medley was rockin and the MSR was strong and confident.

When the smoke cleared we not only clinched 2nd place, we manage to win best pipe corp in the MSR, and best drum corp in the Medley. Smiles all around.

We spent the evening in the beer tent talkin with people and trading pats on the back then Sunday we were airborne for Scotland.

We had to pretty sick folks on the plane. Kyla, my sister, seems to have contract ebola or some God awful flu, and Geordie our main man tenor champ, was in grand spirits getting on the plane, but as things go it wore off and he may have passed out and fallen on a bulkhead. Personally I think he was trying to meet our stewardesses but he was a little roughed up in London. (just kiddin Geordie)

So we're in Glasgow, as of last night, we even practiced straight off the plane. I'm happy to say even at 8:30 practice this morning everyone was up and running. We have had great weather but it's supposed to rain tomorrow.

This is the hardest few days. We've been away from family, ill fed, and poorly rested, everyone is a little short in the fuse. But surprisingly we're all in great spirits and can't wait for the next practice. I can hear a drum pad right now.

We're all very thankful for the wonderful messages of support and congratulations we very much appreciate it, we're do our best to make everyone proud this coming weekend and at the World's the weekend after.

I'd like to say, I hope there isn't much of a story for tomorrow's blog... but we all know something funny will happen tonight and I'll paraphrase it for those back home.

Cheers everyone, I'm off to the Todd!
