Friday, July 16, 2010

Coming Distractions

Well it's 13 days to the plane ride and 2 and a half weeks of bliss.

Those who know me, know I'm prone to nervousness and general stress around band contests.

So, why not now? Am I older and wiser? No... A rumour says a certain big league pipe major is late for the bus every world's due to nervous stomach.

But today it hit. My mind can't stop thinking about it. I try positive imaging. I viualize perfect plays and hearing the world's announcer calling our name, but it doesn't cap the nerves.

I wish it was tomorrow...

Normally this wave of anxiousness sets in two weeks ago, but I've been distracted with work. This is awesome. I get paid to think about something else.

It's been a good distraction but perhaps I should apologize to the president of Cabela's Canada now. I'll be useless for the next week sir.

It's pipe band season!




P.s I wrote this with my Blackberry... Took an hour!!!

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