Friday, June 18, 2010

Big Fish Syndrome

How and Deee folks!

The past couple days, with upcoming contest and Scotland looming, I've been really meditating on pipe bands around the World.

I've come upon a hypothesis if you will.

It seems there are 3 mental levels within the piping community here on the Prairies.

Level 1: Local: We turn our mental focus to the local pipe band scene. We concern ourselves during these moments with, how many solo kids are coming up, why some bands are shrinking while others are growing successful, etc.

Level 2: Territorial: For us it's the Prairies. Western Alberta to Western Ontario really. More bands are here, and of course it's easier for traveling players to make trips. We have rivalries etc. It's fun, but only seems to pop into our minds come contest time.

Level 3: International: This is pretty much all thought outside the Prairies. I know our organization is constantly trying to stay informed about what's happening outside. Do we stack up? Things like this.

I've found over the years that what grade your in is a direct influence on which level you let your mind dwell.

In a grade 1 band in Canada you, for the most part I assume, focus Internationally. While SFU and Triumph Street do compete locally with one another... the show is at the World's for both.

In a grade 4 band, and I've had the pleasure of being in two of them, you tend to focus locally. Rivalries are easier here because there may be a few bands in your grade and you may not travel that often for bigger contests. A lot of the time you end up looking up into other grades for new challenges. Not necessarily looking parallel to other parts of the World for conquests.

So, what is Big Fish Syndrome?

I've dubbed this syndrome after years of hearing negative comments about successful organizations from people who aren't in them.

I've been on the receiving end, and on the dishing out side of this as well.

Back in my juvenile days my band was struggling to maintain numbers while another juvenile band locally was huge and darn near grade 3. It was frustrating and, instead of working harder at recruitment or playing, we spent a ton of energy bad mouthing the other group.... This is common everywhere not just Winnipeg.

I'm sure there's someone in B.C. that doesn't play in SFU's organization and still admires them. I'm positive they're there, but a lot of the time you get eye rolls and excuses for why they're so good, instead of admitting they and Triumph Street are successful from hard work and experience.

Alberta has the same problem. Al Cal this, and Al Cal that.

Saskatchewan and Manitoba, though smaller ponds, still have the same problem. The SASPB and CRPB have the same issues. Then off to Ontario where "Peel is stealing everyone's players" and "The Frasers are bullies" all unfounded.

Usually success breeds success. People are attracted to playing for dynamic leadership, or successful music, or World Champions. It's not rocket surgery.

So, my advice, to those who are on the receiving end of this negativity. Don't let it get to you. It usually means you're doing something right and your success has ticked someone off. Do your thing, enjoy it, make music, and leave the politics where they belong...

Try to focus on the 3rd Level of the International Pipe Band World. Luckily technology has made this possible. We can all compare ourselves daily with bands all over the planet. Then spend some time working on the 1st level locally, trying to build your community, instead of ripping it apart with negativity.

Remember, all the successful bands were once struggling, instead of complaining about the other successful bands they studied them, then chased them, and then caught them.

Pipe and let Pipe I always say... or something like that.



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