Thursday, October 15, 2009

Winnipeg's Gone Mad!

That's right, tis the season for one of the most fan friendly of all pipe band contests. MAD PLAID!

For the past uh... lotta years (10?) the Winnipeg Celtic Pipe Band ( has put on this contest to add a more party-like atmosphere to a solo contest.

I still remember 3 foot tall Colin Pollock(CRPB), beating out Dave Bowman(SFU) on the applause metre and winning the whole thing when he was barely in grade 4. Good times.

It was the first time I ever stepped in a pub. For that I owe the organizers a deep debt of gratitude.

So, where has this contest gone to since then?

Well currently the Mad Plaid solo contest is held at the Irish Association head quarters here in Winnipeg. During the day amateur solo events are played in a small theatre and some classrooms throughout the building. Then in the evening the pros turn up the heat in the pub and rip through medley's and drum solo's to the crowd's delight. All contests are now judged by an adjudicator, though i'm sure for the evening shows entertainment value plays a big part.

Last year we were all treated to a very special occasion as Winnipeg Celtic, with help from the Irish Association, flew Mr. Terry Tully, P/M of St. Lawrence O'Toole pipe band (Dublin Ireland) to judge and perform at this contest.

It was a wonderful night and some great memories and friendships were made with this Irish man, a lot was learned.

This year the big ticket judge will be Mr. David Bowman. That's right the dude who once upon a time lost to a 3 foot tall gremlin with a cocky attitude. Dave will be in attendance judging solos, and from what I hear performing saturday night as well.

Dave is another great player to come from Winnipeg who can officially call themselves World Champions. Not only did Dave win the worlds,(and I was there to see it so it's true) he won it twice to prove he can.

I can't completely confirm this but I believe this makes Dave the 3rd snare drummer to be raised in the Winnipeg pipe band community and win the Worlds. Blair (Buzzard) Brown, and Roland Reid, also hold that distinction and interestingly enough all of these fabulous players won with the same band. SFU.

I should also mention we have some great piping talent coming out of the province as well. Recently, Blair Cooper played with SFU and won back to back worlds as well. I hope someday we can bring Blair home to judge at a contest or two.

So, Dave is the show on saturday. I hope everyone takes the time to come down to the Irish Association and take part in the festivities. Tickets, I believe, are $10. So it's a good price for a good time.

See ya'll there! Let the season begin!


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