Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Happy New Year... or Season

Happy September everybody!

I hope everyone had a wonderful summer full of pipe band competitions, and bbqs, and golf... etc. etc. etc.

It has been a very weird August/September. As much as 4 weeks ago Wes and I were under the assumption we didn't have a pipe band... As many know this past season was a struggle for all involved and we didn't think we'd have enough returning players to piece together a band. 

Then about a week after that, the calls and emails started. "Hey when is first practice?" "Can you send me music?" "Got any spots open in the corp?"

Boom! Within a week we have a very strong drum corp, a great midsection, and a very nice pipe corp to lead us. 

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. This is a great group of committed people. I think the year of struggle did two things. 1: It gave us a little downtime, 2: You don't always appreciate something until it's gone.

Well it's back. First practice is this Sunday morning. 8:30 am. MSR's are picked, and written, midsection included. We're so far ahead of the ball we'll be in great shape, theoretically. 

Plans for Grade 2 this year are Moose Jaw/Regina, and Maxville. Grade 3 is looking at Pleasanton I believe.

It's going to be a great year, and if you know anyone interested in playing in the bands we'd love to have them out.

Take care and talk soon!


Monday, June 24, 2013

PPBAM Season Concludes With A Cry For Help

I think my last post was at Easter... possibly the first Easter...

It's been awhile.

I honestly thought I'd have more time to prepare, and compose, but my work schedule has been off the charts for two months straight. Luckily she's all quiet now.

This past Saturday marked the end of the PPBAM competition season. What a beautiful day we had!!!! It was supposed to rain, and instead we got beautiful pipe band weather. I hope everyone enjoyed the day as much as I did.

I have to say, I very much enjoyed the drumming. There were some beginners that needed a bit of a pat on the back and some brief guidance on things like grip etc. but for the most part, the bar we're setting as drumming instructors in the Province is quite good. Something in the water here, as John Fisher used to say.

There has been a call out to all members, fans, and supporters, of piping and drumming in the Province. It has come from our competitions and we need to hear it. What I'm going to say may ruffle some feathers, but that's what I'm here for.

The call has come for new volunteers to step up, and learn to run the contests so that they may continue. If you look at the volunteer committees that run our games they are, for the most part, parents. People whose children have played in bands years ago and they continued to offer us wonderful venues to perform even when most of their own kids have stopped playing.

Now... the only people I talked to Saturday that were worried at all, were parents. Parents who already serve on boards of Juvenile bands. Who steward at contests, who compile results, and who drag their kids to practice and fundraisers.

For those who aren't aware there are now more competing adult bands vs. Juvenile bands in this province.

This isn't a volunteer issue. In my eyes it's a generational issue. My generation to be exact. We're busy having kids, raising families, and talking about how they'll grow up to pipe or drum..... or ....ugh.... dance....*shudder ;) but there won't be any contests around for them to perform in. Why? Because we let our mom's, dad's, or fellow band mate's parents, run things until they had no more to give. They are tapped out.

We need to step up to the plate. It's time for our generation to take the reigns, or at least learn the ropes.

Sure some of us have begun lending a hand for teaching, helping setup kids bands, or judging. But what's the point if there's nowhere to perform and test the skills we're teaching.

There will be an emergency general meeting of the PPBAM July 3rd, 2013 at 7 pm in the Henderson Legion. Please plan to attend and before you get there think about how you can help.

It's time to start asking ourselves not what our organization does for us, but what we can do for it. Together, we can strengthen our future, and keep piping and drumming alive for another generation.


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Important Lessons for the Young Fellers

Happy Easter Weekend everyone.

I wanted to share some words of wisdom on this not so important day of March 28. Also Simpson has been hounding me to post a blog and I always want to make the big man happy.

March 28 last year I was in Vegas. For those who know me, I fit right in there. It was warm, sunny, and I think I was sitting on the patio at Margaritaville drinking a giant margarita. March 30th I was set to get married, take the plunge, etc.

I got a tremendous amount of advice from every where I looked, but with some of my guys getting older I thought I'd share the few things I've learned this past year through trial and error.

Things I learned in my first year of marriage:

 #1 Remember your anniversary (not difficult as I changed my NHL Game center password to our anniversary, also my phone password, email password, and pretty much everything else I could think of)

#2 Cooking is great, a man who can cook can win any woman's heart. However, learning to cook and clean up after yourself while cooking, is ten times more valuable as a delicious meal followed by 2 hours of dishes does not a happy wife make

#3 In a condensed NHL season skipping one game a week to watch Big Brother makes you super human and, being a Jets fan, they usually have one crappy game per week...

#4 When you have a bad band practice, she can tell, she might not understand but you should explain anyways, you'll feel better and she'll feel included

 #5 Being married to the most beautiful and caring woman you can find makes the first 4 very simple :)  So go find a woman who takes your breath away, and puts up with your crap, even if you think you're wonderful...

One year ago today I flew to Vegas (God I wish I was in Vegas) and two days later became one lucky SOB.

To my beautiful bride, 

We finally got through what we'll dub the craziest 3 years of our lives, and now this weekend we mark our 1 year anniversary. I know some days I day dream while we're in the car, I make a mess just as bad as Jacob and Bruce, and I bombard you with hair brained schemes. But I love you dearly, I have no clue what poor excuse for a man I would be if it wasn't for you. If I could marry you again on Saturday I would. 

Thank you for always being you.

Happy Anniversary honey, and Happy Easter everybody else.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

An Inspirational Play

Happy Hump Day,

I had a really great time at band practice and I have been just craving some blog time. Of course, blogger was down for awhile this morning, I'm assuming purely because I wanted to log on...

No matter we're here now.

This morning I did something I don't usually do, I drove to work by myself. What does this result in? World's 2011 cranked at full volume screaming down the highway.

I usually skip to my favorite plays by the top bands, but today was different I was just listening to the whole thing. I came upon track 5 Oran Mor. Of course I didn't know it was Oran Mor. But my ear perked up.

I'd like to confess right now I've never paid much mind to this band. I watched their drum corp a few times and was impressed but it's not like they're giving the top three a run. But honestly, this could have been a top three performance. I sure will pay attention from now on, to every band.

Track 5 from Volume 2 of the 2011 World's, lists Oran Mor performing Lord Alexander Kennedy, Atholl Cummers, and Mrs. Macpherson of Inveran. Specifically I would recommend listening to Atholl Cummers. I feel like this performance exemplifies how Strathspeys are supposed to feel. At least from the piping, the drumming is a wee bit clipped for my taste and doesn't sit with the piping, in my honest opinion.

No this band didn't win any big deal awards, but on this particular day, on this particular recording, to this particular listener, this was a world class performance. I just love the way they lift this Spey to new heights.

Now here's the catch, I go on to track 6 and I hold the medley in great expectation. Most of it passes by without a thought but again, here are these brilliant speys with such life and lift.

Maybe I'm crazy, but I am all of a sudden a big fan of this band. Sure it's just their Speys but I believe accurately piping a spey feel with a large group of players is the hardest thing we do.

Good on you Oran Mor, whatever you did!

Don't shrug off the bands you aren't aware of, give everyone a listen, they didn't get to grade 1 for nothing.



Monday, March 4, 2013

Back at 'Er

Happy Monday, for the sick few who enjoy this day of the week.

I had quite a journey last week and was torn away from my blog to tend to some work related issues. All work and no play as it were.

Glad to be back.

For anyone who hasn't traveled down around Windsor and southern Ontario, it is definitely worth the trip. I was there in a snow storm and it was gorgeous.

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were full of meetings, and sales calls. However Thursday I was slotted for a 6 30 flight that became a 9 45 flight... Which led to a very fast run through Toronto Pearson Airport to find out Air Canada had bumped me as I was two minutes late for my connection. Next flight was Friday morning so I over-nighted in TO and hopped back on first thing in the morning.

Of course they lost my bag for several hours... cause they're Air Canada.

Bumped in to two good buddies on Friday night. Friend of the band George Hamilton was in attendance at the King's Head Pub and we had a good visit. I also enjoyed a great visit with my good friend Nate Mitchell. I always like catching up with good buddies.

All in all a quiet weekend. The PPBAM Indoor contest will go ahead on March 16th so I've been brushing my solo students up. With the two new students from Transcona I'm pressing our luck getting them on new scores for a new contest, but it's important I get them set up in my development system where I want them.

While I was hunkered down in this snow storm I also got some time to edit some scores. I'm trying to fight my way back to the style that got me a qualification at the world's and a 1st in drumming in the Maxville Medley. I also want to be able to play as cleanly and expressively as possible, so this requires opening some stuff up and letting the music breathe a bit.

Look forward to a little bit more structured Saspb drum corp in the future contests. I think I've got my finger on the pulse of what I'm trying to do. So hopefully things will work out.

Talk tomorrow,


Monday, February 25, 2013

The Communication Station

Welcome back to the land of the living folks.

It's been a very interesting weekend in pipe bands.... I suppose it's always interesting, but this weekend is incredibly interesting.

The big news is the collapse of the City of Chicago pipe band. This band is one of the fastest rising stars in pipe bands these days and it is very disappointing to see it crumble.

According to the pipes/drums article there was an issue with lack of communication. I can appreciate that, it's hard to keep up with everything at once in the leadership roles and thus, communication can break down. It's too bad it ended this way. Waste of a great drum corp I'll say that much.

Where's the lesson? I suppose it can be found in the sit down, bottle of wine chat Wes and I had Saturday evening. Communication is everything in management. Communication between managers (Pipe majors, sergeants and lead drummers), communication to band members, and communication of vision.

I feel as important as the first two are, the communication of vision is the absolute most important. Having your vision, and sticking to it, helps people know where they stand. Whether it's existing members, or joining members your vision helps them know if they want to be part of your band. Without a direction, nobody knows whether they're coming or going.

So Wes and I took the collapse of Chicago to heart. This is a band much like ours, grown quickly, and unstable. We also have communication problems on both sides of the fence. So we have to make a strong effort to bring it back to where we were successful. Trust our instincts again, and create a vision for the band.

For my part I have to help Wes with the management of the band. I also need to lead my drum corp with confidence. I have these awesome guys in the band that have strong personalities and they need to be managed as much as the drum sound or the music. I need to help everyone achieve their best.


This weekend also sent a breath of life into my pod cast idea. I was contacted by Donald A. Morrison's daughter who coordinated with myself and Mr. Morrison and I am pleased to announce that my first podcast interview will be with Pipe Major Donald A. Morrison in the next few weeks.

If anyone has any stories or history to share with me regarding Mr. Morrison, or anything else for that matter, I sure would appreciate it.

Have a great day, spend a little time looking at how your band communicates within itself. There's always room for improvement.

I'm on a plane to Windsor tomorrow morning so who knows what I'll dream up for tomorrow!!



Friday, February 22, 2013

My New Idea

Happy Friday. Let's all take a moment to reflect on our week, and thank the stars it's Friday.....

Good, now, yesterday I hinted at a new idea I've had kicking around and I think you'll like it. It ties in beautifully with some pretty awesome news.

I went on my facebook yesterday to find that PM Donald Morrison has received the Governor General's Award.

Here's the sad side of this, I know pretty much nothing about Mr. Morrison. I've spoken to him twice, once at Nate Mitchell's wedding, and the second at the PPBAM indoor contest last year when I was judging. I wore my shiny new Peel Police kilt and he picked that police tartan out from across the building and came for a chat. He was a really interesting fellow and I would like to learn more about him.

This ties in beautifully with my idea. I want to start a monthly (hopefully) podcast that I post for free, perhaps here. I don't have a working title for the podcast but the focus would be on interviewing interesting figures in the Prairie Pipe Band world. Not just Manitoba but across all three prairie provinces (I'm counting you out there Alberta so deal with it).

So here's the plan. I'd appreciate it if you could send me folks you'd like to know more about. Or you think others should know more about. Age doesn't matter. It could be Jordan Perillo, or Buz Brown. Send me whatever information you know about them to help me get going, then I will contact them and see if we can set up an interview.

There are a ton of great people with great stories out there and I think it would be valuable to start keeping some form of record of our history here in the prairies.

So email me at

We can get started.

For interviews far away I'll have to develop some form of phone based interview or when either party travels.

I will also research certain topics if folks would like. I.E. past pipe bands or great events. So fire away.

Happy Friday everybody and enjoy your weekend.

