Hi Everybody,
Today is a sad day here in Winnipeg and for all piping and drumming
Our dear friend Mr. Wally Winters passed away early this morning after a few hard days fight.
After speaking with Wally's daughter Linda (Nagy) I expressed the entire communities sadness at the passing of a legend in our local pipe band world.
The past few years I had the unique pleasure of speaking quietly (and sometimes loudly) with Wally at the Elmwood legion on Thursday nights before, during, and after grade 3 practice. Wally was always on hand to share his stories and time tested opinions and we always had a great time together sharing a beer, watching whatever sports were on the tv, and talking pipe bands.
A constant fan of Field Marshal Montgomery this season Wally took a turn in his loyalty as he personally informed me he felt SLOT was soaring at the worlds but understood why SFU was crowned champion. He always kept up with technology and watched YouTube religiously.
He professed he was a fan of our young grade 2 drum corp, always shouting at me as I motored through the legion "have you got those punks whipped into shape yet" and he always wanted the inside scoop "who's gonna play at the contest saturday, any cuts coming, anybody not pulling their weight" I regret he probably never realized how big a fan we were of him.
Wally taught drumming, lived drumming, and breathed drumming all his life. His daughter Linda told me tonight "My dad's life was pipes and drums, and the drum pad and sticks never left the coffee table..in the 47 years I had him in my life, he played them from the couch everyday"
Wally was a constant influence for me these past years as I worked hard to understand pipe bands and the culture of them.
He was a great friend and a beloved mentor. I, and the whole pipe band world, will sorely miss him.
Rest in peace Wally and say hi to Big Alex when you see him.